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The Probate Process for a House in Montgomery County – How to Avoid Getting Scammed

probate process for a house in

Probate is simply the process of administering a decedent’s estate. The majority of us have been told horror stories about how drawn out and fraught with difficulties the probate process often is, and as a result, we dread going through it in real life.

The fact, however, is that if everything is done properly, the probate process for a house in Montgomery County may be broken down into as few as four straightforward stages. On the other hand, both the fear and the simplicity frequently make people more susceptible to particular types of probate frauds. Let’s have a peek.

The Probate Process for a House in Montgomery County – How to Avoid Getting Scammed

Probate Process for a House in Montgomery County

Probate is typically required after the death of a person who does not have the appropriate form of trust in place. The process of probate is the procedure by which a deceased person’s obligations are paid off and his or her property, which was held solely in the deceased person’s name and was not otherwise lawfully dispersed, is passed to the decedent’s beneficiaries and heirs.

The procedure of probate typically consists of four different parts.

  1. The first thing that has to be done is to submit a petition to the probate court, asking it to either accept the will and appoint an executor or, if there is no will, asking it to appoint an administrator of the estate. The date of the hearing is scheduled, and notice of the hearing is published in the local newspaper.
  2. After being appointed by the court, the personal representative of the deceased sends notice to all of the creditors of the estate and then makes an inventory of the assets of the estate.
  3. After evaluating whether claims are valid, the personal representative next uses funds from the estate to pay any and all bills, obligations, and taxes that are due.
    In certain cases, this necessitates the sale of estate assets in order to satisfy liabilities.
  4. If there is no will, then the assets (such as the legal title to a house, for example) are distributed in accordance with the state’s intestate succession rules. If there is a will, then the assets are distributed according to the decedent’s preferences as stated in the will.

The administration of an estate in its entirety, including the probate process for a house in  Montgomery County, is now finished. Just be on the lookout for any cons that could present themselves along the road.

Common Probate Scams

These are some updated versions of well-known cons that owe their resurgence (and continued success) mostly to the proliferation of the internet and electronic mail. They will never, however, miss an opportunity to prey on the weak.

  1. Probate Avoidance Scam – This scam’s perpetrators frequently target senior citizens.
    It entails convincing victims to purchase phony goods that promise to help them escape probate, such a pricey living trust package. After the con artists get the money, they either don’t deliver at all or provide them a product that is truly legally worthless.
  2. Inheritance/Estate Tax Scam – There are still states that impose a tax on inheritances or estates. Swindlers will call potential executors or personal representatives and tell them that they are in line to inherit a substantial sum of money if they contact them using the name of a respected person or organization. The only catch is that, because in many places the tax must be paid before probate can proceed, the fraudsters need the victims to submit them an inflated tax payment before the probate process can continue.
  3. Fraudulent Listings Scam – This one is especially relevant to the probate process for a house in Montgomery County and gains its efficacy from the prevalence of websites like Craigslist among home purchasers, especially renters. Scammers research the property of recently deceased individuals and advertise it for rent. The fraudsters then vanish after receiving the deposit and the first month’s rent, leaving the persons involved in probate to handle the aggrieved victim.

If you’re facing probate, especially the probate process for a house in Montgomery County, It’s highly unlikely to be as gloomy and terrifying as it first appears to be. It is a good starting step to have an understanding of what is involved and to be familiar with the typical scams that are associated with probate, but there are other things to take into consideration.

If you’d like to learn more about probate and how to get through it smoothly, contact us by phone at 844-977-3336 or fill our simple form.

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